* The shop is filled to the brim with the best primitive needfuls...please stop by and see what's new. Hope you can visit soon!! *

Monday, February 27, 2012

Time Flies

Wow...did that weekend go by quick, or what?  Maybe it just seems that way because we are already getting in gear for the Mt. Dora Antiques & Collectibles Show coming up in just 1 month....ack!

Not to worry...some new prims are coming in and a couple of surprises...you'll just have to visit.  :)

Take time to share some kindness with someone you don't know....you will feel good inside and you might just make that person's day a bit better.

Have an amazing week....

Saturday, February 25, 2012

It's A Great Weekend

If you have ever had the chance to visit Mt. Dora, you know that there is always something going on!  Even when there are no big events, this cozy little town is bustling.  We've been lucky enough to meet lots of new friends this week, and just in case you can't be here....here's a peek at what's new!

Early Dry Sink...with original blue paint inside!

Very primitive Pie Safe....great for displaying dishes, ironstone, quilts...

Sweet Farm Table

Don't you love this old Buggy Seat?

Have a great weekend, wherever you are...enjoy all that is around you....

Monday, February 20, 2012

A New Season.....

It's beginning to look like Spring.....

Lots of fresh herbs...basil, oregano and rosemary...smells heavenly!

Have a wonderful week....do something that makes you happy.  :)

Friday, February 17, 2012

Are We Ready?

You bet we are!  Renninger's Antique Extravaganza begins today, 2/17, and goes through Sunday, 2/19.  If you get an extra minute, please stop by and say Hello...we would love to see you.

Have a wonderful weekend...whatever you do!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

It's Extravaganza Time!

Better plan to do some serious shoppin' this weekend at Renninger's...once this Extravaganza passes, it's a long time until the next one.

You will have to wait until November!!

Just a few new goodies to tease you with....the weather is supposed to be beautiful! 

Please stop by and see us.....and have a great time!!

Saturday, February 11, 2012


We only have 10 copies of each...A Simple Life and A Primitive Place!!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Have To Show You These...

We missed these yesterday, but wanted to share these with you.  We love Civil War stuff...

And, sometimes you have to think out of the box....

Wishing you a wonderful day!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Just A Peek....

Can you believe it's the middle of the week....already?  So many first time visitors to the shop this past weekend and we had a great time meeting everyone.  And, there are not enough "Thank You's" to go around to the amazing friends that set up in our yard for the "Old Crow Market"...to say it was interesting is probably an understatement!

But...the weather was great and a good time was had by all!  Next up...the Renninger's Extravaganza and that begins on Friday, February 17th.  Always a great show, it's the last B-I-G one until Fall and we are getting ready.

Now, just a peek at some stitcheries with distressed frames and words on aged fabric...so very prim!

We are looking forward to the rest of week...remember to take time to enjoy what is around you!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Getting ready for this weekend!!!

This weekend we will be hosting the first annual OLD CROW MARKET!! Our beautiful town will also be holding the world famous Mount Dora Art Festival....FUN! Here are some pics of the displays and finds in the store....hope to see you all this weekend!

 How much do you love this bucket/crock bench?? We have recreated an original and you can order this one from us in any color...the look, the feel and affordable!

 FANTASTIC fragrance!! These candles are A M A Z I N G!!!!!
 Cutest prim bunny ever...